Jurisdictional boundaries
States vary in how each sets the basic playing field for juvenile justice with lower and upper age boundaries. State legislatures further create a range of complex exceptions for transfer to criminal court based on case-by-case, age and offense specifics.
Juvenile defense
Much is at stake in a juvenile court action for delinquency, and successful outcomes are influenced by a family's ability to retain effective counsel early-on and retain them until a permanent resolution to all aspects of the legal matter is resolved.
Racial/ethnic fairness
Youth of color are overrepresented in many aspects of the juvenile justice system, from arrest to court referral and confinement. Thus a core requirement of federal juvenile justice policy requires each state to identify where disparities may exist.
Juvenile court
Each state has established a court with juvenile jurisdiction to address the law violating conduct of youth. Explore the structural and procedural differences.
Judicial selection
Judicial specialization
All mixed case types
Mostly mixed
Mostly specialized
Caseload assignment
Mixed assignment methods
Individual discretion
Statute/State court rules
Judicial experience, training, and tools
Qualification Requirements
Required Annual Training
Required Risk/Need Assessments and Pre-Dispositional Reports
Juvenile Justice Bench Books
Courtroom shackling
Courtroom shackling is restricted by the state court
No juvenile standard
Juvenile standard is the adult standard
Juvenile justice standard exists
JJ standard includes developmental immaturity
Juvenile justice services
Every state has a set of laws establishing a system of juvenile courts and a corresponding intervention system commonly referred to as juvenile justice services. The different frameworks effectively create 51 distinctly different juvenile justice systems.
Purpose clauses
No clause
Parens patriae
Due process era
Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ)
Developmental Approach
Organization structure
Locally operated
Locally operated
Locally operated
Locally operated
Corrections agency
Independent juvenile corrections agency
Family/child welfare agency or division
Broad human services agency
Adult corrections agency or division
Intake and diversion
Initial intake and court diversion decision is at the discretion of the prosecutor or the juvenile court intake officer
and pre-petition court diversion time limit/s exist.
Solitary confinement
Prohibits punitive confinement
Limits punitive confinement
No limits on punitive confinement
Did not respond
Release decision
Parole board
Agency and court
Risk assessment
Statewide uniform assessment
Layered/regional assessment
Locally administered assessment
Sex offense registry
Risk instruments
Statute or agency policy
Agency recommended
Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale
Mental health screening
Required in the following services:
Secure detention
EBP support center
Does not have a support center or collaboratives dedicated to coordinating activities around implementing, evaluating, and sustaining EBPs.
Recidivism indicators 2016
- Study populations: Supervision, Placement
- Re-offense events: Arrest, Court action
- Follow-up periods: 12 months with adult systems reporting
Status offense issues
A wide range of non-criminal behaviors by youth are grouped as status offenses. Actions such as truancy, running away or acting stubborn can thrust an adolescent into formal juvenile court actions for services and safety but also where their liberty may be at-risk.
Labeling 2015
In need of aid, assistance, or care
In need of services
In need of supervision
Status offender
Age boundaries 2016
- Status offense jurisdiction: Up through 17 years old. (lower age not specified)
- Delinquency jurisdiction: Up through 17 years old. (lower age not specified)
Reported data
Systems integration
Youth involved in more than one system require special attention and coordination. State and local policy-makers are increasingly sharing data concerning dual status youth and establishing a wide range of exciting coordination models.
Agency integration 2016
One or all are decentralized
State coordination 2014
Data sharing
Committees or advisory groups
Formal interagency MOUs
Informal interagency agreements
Statute and/or court rules
Reported data
State resources
Juvenile justice leadership
Other stakeholders
Policy (legal) research
Read more »
Juvenile Justice Geography, Policy, Practice & Statistics. Online. Available: http://www.jjgps.org/district-of-columbia. Developed by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ), with funding from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.